Shopify Admin API

Packer comes with several utilities to make managing and setting up themes easier and without needing to use Shopify admin.

List Themes#

Requires password and store URL in packer.env.json. This will list all themes on the store, showing name, id, created/modified dates and role.

packer theme:list


โ•‘ ID โ”‚ NAME โ”‚ CREATED AT โ”‚ UPDATED AT โ”‚ ROLE โ•‘
โ•‘ 74500046912 โ”‚ Debut โ”‚ 2019-07-05T18:33:52-04:00 โ”‚ 2020-06-13T17:21:30-04:00 โ”‚ main โ•‘
โ•‘ 83174129723 โ”‚ development โ”‚ 2020-06-16T19:55:40-04:00 โ”‚ 2020-06-16T19:56:50-04:00 โ”‚ unpublished โ•‘

Create Theme#

Creates an empty theme on Shopify that you can deploy to or start development on. It will automatically add the theme id to your packer.env.json

packer theme:create --env=development

By default, it will use the development environment if no flag is provided.

Download Theme#

Downloads the theme from Shopify to your src folder

packer theme:download --env=development

By default, it will use the development environment if no flag is provided.